Diet: H20 - The Secret Technique for Losing Weight by Drinking Bottled Water

Is it possible to lose weight by simply drinking water?

The answer is yes. Daily water consumption has been recommended by doctors and nutritionists for years. The positive effects of water on the body are numerous and weight loss is an amazing byproduct of proper water consumption.

Diet:H20 is unlike any other water-based diet you’ve heard of. Most of the traditional water-based diets require some kind of fasting or a drastic reduction in daily caloric intake. Diet:H20 only requires that you drink the recommended 64 ounces of water per day. There is no calorie counting or special food or smoothies. This diet is you and a bottle of water; it's the simplest, safest and most effective diet around.

Here are a few things you will learn when you buy this book:
- Why traditional diets often fail
- The importance of including water in your daily diet
- The effect of water intake on your complexion
- Why simply “sipping” water will never work for weight loss
- The perfect time to drink that last bottle of water

And much more.

Diet:H20 is 100% safe and 100% effective, if followed properly. It’s a new approach to an old idea. This book is your guide to losing weight and keeping it off. And the amazing thing about this diet is that you can eat whatever you want and you won’t to overeat. You won’t be able to…

The 3 Week Diet


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