Diets DON'T Work! How I Lost 120 Pounds Without Dieting

If you are anything like me, you have tried every diet on the market, and some that your friends have shared.

These gimmicks do work, temporarily, however the results are rarely lasting. Before you know it the pounds you shed have returned, and brought along a few friends. This yo-yo dieting cycle is not only discouraging, but it is unhealthy. Your body was not designed to fluctuate so drastically, in a relatively short period of time.

Each year, desperate dieters trying to lose weight spend millions of dollars. We join gyms, and then don’t go. We feel guilty, so we sneak a bit of candy. We starve ourselves to lose ten pounds, but in two weeks time you have put on twelve.

It’s a difficult struggle. I know. I have been there. I would like to tell you how I have lost more than 120 pounds without dieting. That’s right. No dieting. I cannot stress this enough. You cannot change your weight by denying the foods you love and crave. If you want to know my secret, read on.

The 3 Week Diet


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