Flexible Dieting 101 - Eat the Foods You Love and Acheive the Body of Your Dream

If you are interested in learning everything there is to know about flexible dieting and IIFYM, then this is going to be the most important book you'll ever read... Just imagine being able to lose fat, get cut, sexy abs, defined arms and every other physical feature you would expect to see on a fitness model without having to eat bland boring foods and dismiss your friends when invited out for a meal. Lose belly fat for six pack abs and tone up the right way - no overhyped supplements, long boring cardio, or bland bogus diets. I will give you the complete run down on everything you need to know to either lose fat or pack on lean muscle while having fun with food along the way. Yes you could lose weight, gain muscle and have a six-pack while eating your favourite foods. It truly is possible, but you just need to know how to diet correctly. Start your journey and learn about the most sustainable form of dieting, flexible dieting! Here's what you'll discover within Flexible Dieting - Eat the Foods you Love and Achieve the Body of your Dreams: Debunking of the 'clean eating' myth, why the 'diets' you are lead to believe work actually don't Why Flexible Dieting is quickly becoming the #1 method for sustainable weight loss and muscle gain I will explain WHY and HOW you can eat your favourite foods while achieving the physique of your dreams The #1 reason why starving yourself will actually make you GAIN weight (shocking answer!) WARNING: how your metabolism may be damaged from previous dieting attempts and how to fix this The difference between weight loss and fat loss and its importance to you How to accurately track your progress without using those inaccurate scales The realistic expectations of weight loss and muscle gain, how quickly you will expect to see results The ONLY supplements I personally recommend and use to help you on this journey, no more wasting money on expensive pixy dust or weight loss pills that promise you the world How to EFFECTIVELY overcome the weight loss and fat loss plateaus Why cardio is a waste of time!! My favourite Flexible Dieting recipes, SIMPLE to make and taste delicious! How to accurately calculate the amount of food and calories you should be eating each day, specifically tailored for you a comprehensive explanation of macronutrients and micronutrients and their importance Why you don't have to eat every 2 hours like your nutritionists tells you Tips and tricks from my personal experience after living and breathing the Flexible Dieting lifestyle for years Read this book now and forget the unsustainable fad diets that promise you the world and don't work. All the information I provide in this book is tried and proven - you WILL get the body of your dreams just like I did if you follow what I tell you in this book Unlike most other diet or fitness related books this book contains no fluff or filler, it is 100% straight to the point content ready to be applied.

The 3 Week Diet


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